I am a huntress, just not the kind of huntress my husband would like me to be, haha. Today was a good treasure hunting day, except for the fact it is still 90 degrees here, the amount of garage, rummage and estate sales should be picking up soon! Our first finds were in Sun City West. I got this old wooden paper sorter (I think) for 50 cents that was falling apart....

they happened to have some upholstery tacks for 5 cents that I could use to repair it! and a cute old bottle with a cork lid I think they threw in for free....

then I spotted this charming box with a lid that comes off, love the tassle and the metal bird on top, this was $5...

then I immediately fell in love with this Santa print which I didn't even really look at until I got home. I was just going to frame the front of it....

this is the inside.....

isn't that the coolest!! and there were 2 of them so I could still frame the front and then frame the inside separately. I think I paid $1 for both...
Then I gasped when I saw this darling little paperback CAKE (cook)book. I just love the green color. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, but it needed to come home with me, especially for 50 cents....

then at the last garage sale I picked up this planter for $2...
and this basket for $2...
and this awesome set of ceramic canisters that look like wood with lids that come off for $5 for the set, I'm thinking of painting them, what do you think?...
I forgot to tell you last week about this cool box that I picked up for $2. I don't know why everything is $2?!....
closeup of the stamp on the lid...
and the neat leather straps...
upside-down on the side of the box...
and my friend and I found these old Bingo cards at Not Too Shabby - cool store!
oh and have I told you lately that I'm really into old sheet music... and every time I look at this Gypsy Love Song one I think of
these gals. Do you think they would want it?

oh and I'm also swooning over this album cover I found at one of my favorite Sun City thrift stores called Pennywise. I want to frame it like I did another one I found there. I'll show that one to you later. Think outside the box ladies or...... think OF a box. LOL.
Happy hunting!
p.s. do you guys like to know how much I pay for treasures. I know I am always dying to know what people pay for their finds so I just assumed you guys did too!