I am one of those people that are so driven by scent. Different smells evoke different memories for me, different feelings. They put me in a certain place.
There are the times when I will be out somewhere and smell the scent of my grandmother. My mom and sister can tell you exactly what that it. Usually it happens when I'm at work. There are alot of older ladies in the area. I'll catch a wiff of my grandmother's perfume and it puts me in a certain place. I get sad, nostalgic. I want to find the lady and ask it I can give her a hug. Just in case you're wondering its Beautiful by Estee Lauder.

A long time ago, I told my husband please please please wear this cologne because I really love it. I just wanted to smell it on him. I wanted to relate that smell to him. It took him a really (ok really really) long time, but now he wears it, all the time. He has a "signature scent" and I love that. Just in case you're wondering it's Cool Water by Davidoff.

When we recently moved into our new house I knew how I wanted it to feel. I knew what I wanted it to smell like. I wanted it to smell fresh and clean and relaxed, so I have gravitated towards lavender scents, mandarin orange, french soaps. French soaps are to die for. really. BTW, the best place to find great deals on them is Ross, HomeGoods, TJMaxx and Marshalls. And trust me they have plenty! So when you come to my house I hope you will remember "that place" - the one that feels so fresh and clean and relaxing!