Tired of calling it eye candy, its also inspiration candy. I don't know about you but I just soak all of this stuff up. Blogs, websites, magazines, photos, HGTV shows, etc. I literally get "creatively" recharged when I look at these things. Like plugging my battery in. Funny as it may sound I NEED it. Its good for my soul. Its what makes me happy (well besides my family), but you get the idea.
Well, in the past few days I have come across some AMAZING inspiration. I mean jaw dropping, get a cup of coffee and sit down for an hour to soak it in type inspiration.
Well without further adeu (I have no idea how to spell that word) I'm just going to send you there. Click
HERE to visit A MOBILE HOME interior (you will not believe your eyes)...
...and then go
HERE for a blogger's most amazing, step by step girls trip to Paris EVER! But, make sure you start at the beginning of her trip!
A girl can dream...a girl should dream...go
HERE to find out why. You won't regret it.