Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cute Little Acorn Patootie

I have discovered that acorns are about the cutest tiny little (non-living) thing in nature. Who knew? I discovered this on my recent trip to Northern Arizona. I don't get much exposure to natural wildlife and nature anymore, so this time I was on a mission to take it all in. Really LOOK around. Find the beauty in everything! But my favorite has got to be these precious little acorns. I first found them outside the cabin we were staying at. I would find a couple on the ground, but only a few that were still in tact.

They start out this green color on the trees...

and then turn to a nice caramel brown color. And I think this is typically when they fall off the tree.

By the time you find them on the ground they RARELY look like this. You will typically find 100 acorn tops lying around and 75 acorn bottoms lying around. How do I come up with this math scenerio you might ask? Well you pick up about 200 acorn tops and bottoms off the ground, you take them inside and you start gluing all the tops back on them, and you end up with way more tops then bottoms. Hey, I was just doing nature a favor. After all, this is what they are supposed to look like...

And my husband just drives me to Joanns to buy my a glue gun on vacation because this is something that I NEED to do. Good man.
(all pictures found on Flickr because frankly their photography is alot better than mine)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what you do with all your acorns. You do have a very understanding husband!!
