Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Gift Wrapped Life

Anyone who knows me knows that I fully believe in the mantra "Presentation is everything". I love to gift wrap, always have, always will. I think gift bags are of the devil and I know that gift bag "recycling" is the norm, but if you ever give me one don't expect to ever see it again. Trust me I am doing the environment a favor by getting rid of them. Of course I'm joking (sort of), but I really do love a perfectly wrapped present and I found the perfect blog to give you some tips and tricks on how to do it. You can thank me later....

A Gift Wrapped Life

They have collections available so that you can have your own private gift wrapping stash. Everyone needs one. And trust me you're going to need lots of ribbon!


  1. Wow! They have the most beautiful paper I've ever seen! What is the website?
