Thursday, April 9, 2009

What to do with...

Taking a cue from my favorite domestic goddess, Tracy Porter, I thought I would show you guys what to do with some of the treasures I have found -- to create lovely gifts -- or to keep for yourself. She shares a video called "Tracy Porter craft project: Monograms are the perfect personalized GIFT idea!" and you can view it here.

I started out with my trusty glue gun (please tell me you do have one) and some charms and trinkets I found at Michaels. and containers of all sorts, but mostly little silver darling...
Here is one very simple use for the silver cup - toothpicks -- or think Q-tips or matchsticks...
Here it is with a precious little votive and the cutest little buckle. I purchased these buckles on ebay...
For the next little cup I used this fleur-de-lis charm, although it has all sorts of rings and hooks on it, no fear, that is easily resolved with a pair of wire cutters and a file (or you could also use sandpaper)...
A sweet little deer my dear...
and a dab of hot glue and presto!...
I also had this little jar that could use some sprucing up...
Add a little vintage seam binding - if you ever see this buy it - it feels just like silk ribbon (let me know if you want some)...
and a sweet little charm...
I picked up this random base at a tag sale. I had no idea what I was going to do with it, but it was too pretty to pass up, so now its time for it to get married.....
a little bit of this (vase) and that (glue)....

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