Thursday, October 1, 2009

Vino Bag

When my sister was in town we went to Pottery Barn. I spotted this awesome burlap wine bag on display way up on a shelf. Tracked down a salesperson to get one for me. Of course it was the last one left and it had no pricetag. After looking it up found out the price was $10. I know not alot, but sorry - not worth the money. Especially when I knew I could make it. So the lovely salesperson was nice enough to hold the bag for me to make sure I got every detail so I could make my own (she was actually thinking that was a great idea!). I guess I should have looked at the picture again before I made mine. I didn't realize the letters were going diagonally. oh well. I like mine just the same. My sister already has her order in for one too. Want one?

And Whalaa! ---- I purchased some burlap from Hobby Lobby and stencils, which I needed for another project anyway, some black paint and used some twine I already had and braided it to use in place of their braided cording (which I could not find easily).

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