Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Easter Decorations

Alright, alright, since so many of you are asking what my Easter decorations look like I am posting some pictures for your enjoyment! Actually no one asked me, you guys don't talk a whole lot. So let's hear from you. I need feedback or I get discouraged. Join in the party. Let me know that you are here and if you have any special topics you'd like me to cover...(it's way more fun that way)....
Display of jars (jasp) in my kitchen, marshmellows and jelly beans, but don't eat them they are about 3 years old you might break a tooth. No Easter display would be complete without....you guessed it, good ole JC! Did you know that Jesus is at Walmart? Did you know that every time you go to Walmart Jesus is there? Jesus tells stories - ALOT of them, but Jesus also has an on/off button, unlike the real Jesus. Lily says you can hold him, but "Be Careful! He's really old!". And yes, Jesus likes eggs....
Look what Parker made me, this darling pink, um we'll just go with birds nest....I love it!


  1. I saw an idea for Easter decorations, that I am going to make this week and will try to post a picture, using terra cotta pots. Then using scrapbook paper glue to rim, and make handle. Fill with easter grass or paper, eggs and other decorations. You can used different size pots. I'll try to get it done this week and show you! I found the idea from one of the links to your blogs. Speaking of which, I love the "bakerella" girl. Love her easter pops!

  2. I didn't know Jesus was at Walmart? I'll have to go look for Him. I love the decorations. I should take a picture of mine. I was inspired to decorate this time!
    I like the 'bakerella' girl too and love the cupcake pops. YUM
